Spy and Surveillance

Computer Security Camera

What a better way to utilize your computer than as a computer security camera? Thanks to today’s modern technology you can utilize your computer to run an entire digital video camera security and surveillance system, and not just the camera.

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CCTV Articles

CCTV Video Storage

Closed Circuit TeleVision or CCTV video storage is available in many different forms. Sometimes the type of storage device and medium is dependent on the type of camera. In the following article, we’ll take a look at some of the more common methods of CCTV Storage.

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Personal Security

Personal Security Products

Security Camera King doesn’t just sell digital video security systems, we also offer a full line of personal security products to help keep you safe and protected. Unfortunately, as time continues so do the reports of individuals that have been burglarized, attacked, and even murdered. Our full line of personal security products are chosen because they are simple to use, small and light weight to carry, and are effective at what they do. In the following article we’ll list and describe some of the personal security products that Security Camera King has to offer.

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CCTV Articles, Security Camera

Box Security Cameras

As a ‘carry-over’ from the days of analog video security, digital box security cameras still exist today. However, today’s box security camera has such great versatility and flexibility in function that it remains as one of the most popular if not the most popular digital video security camera in use today.

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Other Security Articles

Personal Protection Devices

If you are concerned about your own security, you may be looking for personal protection devices to keep you safe and sound. Many people today commute to work on public transportation or work a late shift when most other people are home. This creates an atmosphere that is prime for an assailant that is interested in steeling your personal belongings or worse, personally injuring you.

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Security Camera

Best Hidden Camera

Many people often ask our security experts “What is the best hidden camera?” The answer to this seemingly simple question is far more complicated than it might seem. In the following article, we’ll take a look at some of the hidden cameras that Security Camera King has to offer and offer a short description of the camera according to type and output of the camera. This should allow you to decide for yourself just exactly what the best hidden camera is for you.

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Security Camera

Personal Security Systems

Personal security systems are devices that are portable and normally carried by the individual to protect them in the event of an attack from another person or animal. Personal security systems are becoming evermore popular since more individuals take public transportation to commute to work. Some states have regulatory laws that apply to certain types of personal security systems that limit their use or prohibit their use entirely so it is important that you check with your state’s regulations before obtaining any device.

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Security Camera

DVR Linux Security

Security Camera King offers the rock solid operating system of Digital Video Recorders or DVR Linux Security. Our systems are complete standalone digital video systems that require nothing extra to run. They are not dependent on the Internet (although they can be used on the Internet if the owner chooses) and are therefore not subjected to hackers and other potential dangers.

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CCTV Articles

CCTV Surveillance Software

Closed Circuit TeleVision or CCTV surveillance software covers a broad topic of digital programs used to operate digital video security and surveillance systems. While there are plenty of different types of system hardware (cameras, Digital Video Recorders or DVRs, monitors, etc.) most of these components would be useless without CCTV surveillance software.

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CCTV Articles

CCTV Video Server

There are many ways to use the Internet these days to enhance your digital video security system and one such method may be to use a CCTV video server. While the Digital Video Recorder or DVR is the center of the powerhouse for a digital video security and surveillance system, the CCTV video server could be considered its cousin, the major difference between the two being the CCTV video server is designed to work specifically with the Internet.

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CCTV Articles

CCTV Video Monitor

The Closed Circuit TeleVision or CCTV Video Monitor is one of the most vital components of a CCTV digital video security system. Interestingly however, today’s systems can actually run without one. What’s more, the technology for monitors is constantly improving which means that at today’s changing technological improvements, a monitor bought today could be obsolete a year from now. Read on to find out some more interesting facts about the CCTV video monitor.

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CCTV Articles

Surveillance CCTV Software

Surveillance CCTV software is the intermediary that ties together digital video cameras and Personal Computers (PCs) or Macintosh Computers (Macs) as well as Digital Video Recorder (DVR) units for standalone systems. It’s also the main portion of remote DVR monitoring applications (Apps) that allows your smartphone to access your video security system. It essence it provides the programming that allows you to control the camera, monitor the camera, and record the digital video files.

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Security Camera

Surveillance Camera Lens

Surveillance camera lens are slowly beginning to evolve with the technology that supports them. Before the digital age, a good majority of the surveillance cameras required that a lens be purchased for each camera. Presently, some cameras still work that way, but the vast majority has the lens built right into the camera. These lenses are often referred to as “board lenses.”

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