CCTV Articles

How To Choose The Right Security Camera System

There are many great security camera systems on the market today and no one can tell you the right system for your particular situation without visiting your location. This can be very expensive depending...

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CCTV Articles

How to Properly Install a CCTV Outdoor Camera

If you have decided to install a CCTV outdoor camera in order to protect your home or business, you are making a wise decision. A lot of people do not realize just how important and helpful CCTV cameras can be when it comes to security, but having them can help to keep your home or business safe from burglars and other criminals. Not only can having CCTV cameras installed outside your home or business help to deter crime, but these cameras can also capture highly valuable surveillance footage in the event that someone attempts to break into your home or business or if a crime happens on your lawn or in your parking lot.

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IP Surveillance Cameras

How Networked Security Cameras Work

In recent years, the question of home and business-related security has gotten much more serious. More and more individuals are beginning to place full surveillance systems in their homes, and it is rare to find a business owner who does not have some sort of camera system in and around his business and his property.

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Surveillance Cameras

See Clearer Images With Color Security Cameras

When shopping for security cameras for your home or business, you will be bombarded with tons of different options. Many people have a difficult time determining what type of security camera they need for their home or business, and it can definitely be tricky to make a selection when bombarded with pushy salesmen and tons of enticing advertisements.

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IP Surveillance Cameras

How To Easily Access Your Security Camera Footage

Security camera systems are continually revolving with new and improved technology, which allows the user to record their security footage through a digital video recorder instead of simple tapes. This gives you the opportunity to view the footage online. It may take a little networking information to be able to set your digital video recorder up to view all of the information online. You will need to know what your router’s IP address is, as well as the information relating to your digital video recorder.

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Surveillance Systems

Get The Best Protection With A Security System Camera

Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner, you know important your property and your valuable belongings are to you. Many homeowners and business owners are taking a big risk by not taking the right steps toward proper security. You never know when something will happen, so it is important to begin planning today; whether something happens next week or several years from now, you will have the protection that you need.

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Surveillance Cameras

How to do Facial Capture With Security Cameras

You do not need HD or Megapixel cameras in order to get facial capture, but it will certainly make it easier. Many people have unrealistic expectations of their camera system because of TV shows like CSI that show how they get facial capture on someone who was across the street by blowing up and digitally enhancing the image. Sorry, not possible unless the image was taken with an extremely high resolution cameras (like 15 megapixel or greater). The first thing to understand about facial capture is you need to use a dedicated camera. Typically you will have one facial capture camera used ONLY to capture and identify your subject, then an overview camera that allows you to see what they are wearing and doing. The key to facial capture is positioning of the camera and selecting a target point. For example an entrance door or an exit. Then place the camera close enough or use a lens large enough so that the target point takes up most of the image. If you wish to do facial capture you will need the face to take up no less than 25% of the entire video.

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Simplify Surveillance With A Camera Monitor

Home intrusions are on the rise and don’t seem to choose any particular neighborhood or city. Home security surveillance systems are designed to protect you and your family’s home from unwanted intruders. Whether you want to keep monitor your sleeping baby or protect the entire home, you will find a home surveillance system that meets your needs. The presence of video cameras alone can deter an intruder.

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Digital Video Recorders

Best Security Cameras Available Online

When searching for security cameras to implement into your CCTV surveillance system, the Internet is usually the best place to browse. Competition between online outlets flourishes as customers can compare prices within seconds, ensuring...

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