Knowledgebase, Security Camera

Security Camera Jargon and Acronyms Deciphered

CCTV (Closed Circuit Television): This term once referred specifically to systems that worked like standard television. At the time that the term was coined (the 1960s), the cutting edge was technology that was to eventually become cable television. It used low-frequency waves sent over metal-core and braid cables to connect a video signal with a receiver. However, instead broadcasting in a way that anyone could receive it (also called Open Circuit Television) it would instead only be connected to a single source (thus “closing” the circuit). Today the term is still applicable. All security systems connect from the camera to a recorder. Even though theoretically anyone can “connect” to the signal over the internet, you are still required to have the username and password… This effectively allows the system to prevent anyone who doesn’t belong from “joining” or “connecting” to the signals, and therefore “closes” the circuit off again.

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Security Systems

Choosing the Right Security Cameras for You

In today’s market there are literally thousands of cameras to choose from. They all have their advantages and disadvantages. This article is intended to help you make these choices for yourself by passing a base knowledge on to you. Hopefully after reading this, you’ll be able to quickly assess your needs, and select the solution that works best for your situation.

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Cable Joiners

Connectors and Cables found in Security Camera Installations

Siamese Configurations and Paired Wires: I wanted to cover these first since the ideas of Siamese Cable, Siamese Configuration, and Paired Wire are applicable to all kinds, types, and gauges of wires. All these terms essentially mean the exact same thing. They all refer to a single cable that contains more than one wire. Closed Circuit Television (or CCTV) security camera installations typically use a three wire system. This system is commonly referred to as “Siamese Security Cable” or “Siamese Cable” and is simply 1 RG-59 cable and 1 18-2 cable (both explained below).

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Cable Joiners

What Cable Should I Use?

When it comes to installing CCTV equipment, there are several things to consider: What type of cameras will work best for me? What type of DVR should I use? Should I go into IP cameras or regular analog cameras? Do I want a standalone system or a PC based system? Do I need infrared cameras or will non infrared cameras work? Do I want wireless or hardwired cameras? These are just a section of the questions that you should ask yourself. On my most recent camera installation, I went with an Ultimate Mini DVR, which is an outstanding standalone unit. I used a compilation of infrared and non infrared cameras. After weighing the pros and cons of wireless vs wired cameras, I chose to go with wired cameras due to their quality and heartiness. I chose to go with siamese cable over my other options. This solution is not going to fit all situations and here are the differences and benefits for all.

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Security Systems

Is DVR The Best Choice for Security Systems?

Whether you are looking for a way to protect your home or your business, you probably already know that installing a security system is one of the most effective ways of doing it. However, many people get confused when it comes to purchasing and installing a security system, especially if it is the first time that they have ever purchased one of these systems. If you are finding yourself a bit confused about what type of security system to purchase for your home or business, you should consider purchasing a DVR security system. Although there are other systems out there that have their benefits, DVR security systems are highly common and incredibly effective when it comes to securing your home or business. By doing a bit of research about digital video recorders and how they work for security purposes, you can have the knowledge that you need in order to purchase, install and utilize one of these valuable systems.

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Security Systems

POS Cash Register Security Cameras

If you own your own business, you probably have a lot of things to worry about on a daily basis. Not only do you have to worry about bills and keeping things afloat, but you also have to make sure that your business is being run correctly, that customers are happy and that you are doing enough advertising. Although it might seem like a lot on your plate, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take other things seriously. For instance, one issue that you might not want to think about is employee theft, but it is important to make sure that your employees are not stealing from your business.

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Security Camera

Best Medium To View Security Camera Footage

In recent years, technology has transformed how people review security camera footage. People can still review video surveillance tapes conventionally, by sitting down in front of a television. Mobile technology, however, has opened up...

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Security Systems

What Is The Best Security Camera System For My Business?

The best security camera systems will protect your business and all of its assets. With so many systems to choose from, it may seem an arduous task. Yet, many of the systems are relatively...

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Security Camera

Best Choice For A Commercial Security Camera

There is no way that anyone can tell a business owner what the best choice for a commercial security camera is, because there are so many variables. Come explore some of the available options...

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