CCTV Articles, HowTo Articles

How to Setup a License Plate Capture Camera

I often get asked how to best capture a license plate from a vehicle with a camera system. I generally tell the customer that it is done with magical leprechauns, the tooth fairy, and...

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CCTV Articles

How to install a Home Security Camera System

Installing home security has been seen as an important field of action that uses technology to provide protection around a person’s home, while being controlled from tech support. These surveillance systems allow you to...

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CCTV Articles

How to view your surveillance system over multiple TV’s

So you got yourself a Security Camera System and you have your DVR setup either in your bedroom or in the garage and every time you have company or hear a noise outside your...

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CCTV Articles

How to use TechproSS: View Your Security Cameras Remotely

In today’s world every electronic device can be connected to the internet to have access from virtually anywhere. Like the commercial says “There is an App for that”. Today I will spend some time...

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marijuana cultivation
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CCTV Articles, i-502

Marijuana Cultivation and Camera Systems – I-502 Compliancy

You are probably asking yourself, how do these go together?  The reason being is that most people hear of someone growing marijuana and they think illegal drug dealer, not profitable business.  For the last...

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CCTV Articles

How to Install a Security Camera System in and around a Residence

One of the main reasons that people purchase surveillance camera systems is to protect the things that they care about in their lives, for example – friends, family, property and personnel items. When you...

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CCTV Articles


The DVR is commonly used or mostly used as a recording device for Video surveillance, some DVRs have Audio Inputs (almost everyone now days), but your unit also may come with extra outputs to...

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CCTV Articles

Why Security Cameras Are the Best Business Investment You’ll Ever Make

Starting a business is extremely difficult. You have an idea of a product, service, or delivering both in a new way. You have worked out how to execute the new business to be profitable....

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CCTV Articles

Five Things to Consider for When Selecting a CCTV Camera System Component, Package, and Company

When shopping for a security camera system, its very easy to fall into any of the traps set by good marketing and advertising. You have to navigate through oodles of jargon and flat...

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