Important Information about Colorado’s Amendment 64

At Techpro Security Products we have been really open minded and understanding of the positive side in legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana for personal recreational and medical use. In turn, we have been offering discounts to companies who grow and sell marijuana legally. Whether for medical or recreational use, we try to help all companies understand the legal side of marijuana businesses who are currently getting started in selling marijuana products.
We started by advertising to businesses in Washington and have done so well in helping out those businesses understand what they need, that we decided to start promoting and offering discounts to businesses all over the world in areas where marijuana has been legalized.
As of Jan 15th, 2015 Techpro Security Products will have opened a new location out in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. At the time that this article was being written, we are in the process of opening up our western offices at:
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
We will soon begin marketing to all of the grow operations, medical, and recreational marijuana product businesses. If you are a business looking for information on getting started, please give us a call and we can help you plan out the required security camera system needed for your layout. Just let us know that you are an Amendment 64 or i502 Customer and we will gladly offer you a discount for choosing as your surveillance equipment supplier. We have also begun selling Access Control Products, if you’re looking to protect certain areas of your business with magnetic locks or access control key cards.
Since we are planning this big move, Techpro is relocating six of its knowledgeable employees in order to open up this new western office. I will be one of the people moving out West and I can say that I am extremely excited about this move. There are many reasons that I have wanted to get out of Florida and when I was offered with the opportunity to leave, I jumped at the chance.
In order for me to make this move, I had to go out to CO and find a place to live. Upon my arrival, I noticed that things work very different in Colorado. The first thing I noticed is that the real estate industry is booming out there. It’s near impossible to get an agent to show you houses for rent. Most of the places available are going to be apartment complexes and condos for rent, but houses are hard to find. All of the agents I spoke with mentioned that they are trying to sell houses since they don’t make much on renting. I must have contacted hundreds of people and only a select few were able to contact me back while I was out there for a weekend. Unfortunately, I wasn’t even able to see all of the houses I drove by to check out because most real estate agents out there do not work on the weekends. There are so many places still building new houses to accommodate all the new people moving in.

I decided to bring my brother out there with me in order to help me. He’s an avid marijuana user and was excited to get the chance to check out the recreational shops out there during our time house hunting. I learned many things while out there that I feel everyone should know.

First, there are eight rules that you will want to follow when it comes to using marijuana products in Colorado as a tourist.
- You must be over 21 and have a valid form of identification to enter any marijuana storefront unless you have a medical card.My brother is over 21 but he had a license with him that had expired. Some shops out there will not even let you in the door if this is the case. He did, however, have a concealed weapons license which is still valid so the security at the door was nice enough to accept that as a valid form of ID and allowed him to enter the stores. Be sure to get your ID renewed if it has expired before trying to get into one of these places.
- It is not legal to consume any marijuana product in public. This includes parks, stores, shops, streets, schools, hotels, vehicles and so on.
- Any marijuana product purchased shall be purchased from a dispensary. You may not purchase any marijuana or marijuana products from someone who is not licensed to sell it.Do not buy marijuana from friends or street dealers. They may give you a little bit of a better price on the product, but it’s going to get you in a lot of unnecessary trouble if you get caught. The whole point of legalizing it for recreational use is so that it’s regulated and taxed by the government. This actually has a lot of benefits that I will also explain below.
- No Driving While Under The Influence. You will get a DUI.
- Only an ounce at a time may be purchased if you’re a resident of Colorado. Non-Residents may purchase up to 1/4 ounce but anyone, resident or not, may carry up to an ounce on them.
- If you’re caught smoking in public you will be facing a civil penalty. It’s usually a ticket you get and can pay off online.
- Edibles follow the same rules.
- Last but certainly not least, you absolutely may not travel with it across state lines. At least not until all the states legalize it.
There is always a catch. If you come in from out of town, technically, you’re not supposed to buy marijuana or marijuana infused products and consume them anywhere but inside of a home. If you are not inside of your own home, you’re supposed to be at a friend’s home or a home where the owner allows you to openly smoke. There is one place that we found out about called G’Spot, Gary’s Rec Room. I will talk more about that a little later in this article. I did notice that there were people smoking out in public and in their hotel rooms, but this is not something that should be risked. Especially, if you are from out of town. There are still a lot of people against it and it wouldn’t be very nice to blow smoke in their face if they’re walking past you on the street. Smoking in your vehicle could lead to a DUI charge. It’s not much different from having an open container while in your vehicle.
In Rule #2 I mentioned a place called Gary’s Rec Room. If you’re ever visiting out in Denver and want a place to smoke, there is a man named Gary who has opened his home to marijuana smokers. You can call him to let him know you’re coming by (make sure it’s open) and you will meet him ahead of time in order to become his “friend”. Once you get to his place, you will notice that this is a very cool hangout spot. He will happily greet you at the door, where you can leave him a $5 donation when walking in. This is a strictly BYO (Bring Your Own) rec room and as long as you bring your own marijuana, you may legally consume it at your new friend’s house. He has two awesome map posters on his walls; one of the US, and one of the rest of the world. When you enter his home, he will hand you a pin and ask that you place it in the spot where you are visiting from. Here is a cool photo I took of one of the posters.

You can see that there are many people from all over the country that have visited Gary’s home. He also has an amazing mantle filled with different pieces of glass. Many cool pipes to choose from that previous visitors left behind because they couldn’t take it with them when traveling back home. Here is a photo of his contact information if you’re interested in stopping by:

One of the coolest things I learned while out there is that South Denver used to pretty much be where the bad ghettos were located. Gary informed me that next door to his house was a biker bar. People got into fights and were stabbed on a regular basis. The streets were broken, there were no streetlights, and there was a lot of crime in the area. Once they allowed the dispensaries to move in, there was enough money to fix many of the streets. Now they are fixing up all of the roads, street lights were put in, Christmas lights light up the trees during the holidays, and better yet, the bikers have shut down the bar and moved on to another area. Allowing marijuana businesses into Colorado has had a huge effect on it’s economy. They actually finally have a surplus amount of funds to fix the cities. Crime has gone down drastically, and people are all around really nice in Colorado from my experience there. Other states should take note and end the prohibition of marijuana because it can definitely lead to great things in this country. Remember, Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean that everyone’s going to do it. It’s definitely not for everyone and there are many people who still will not consume these products just like there are many people who are not into drinking alcohol.
Another thing I learned was that there are many different type of strains and marijuana products. It’s really an amazing plants. There are so many uses. From textiles, to edibles, to marijuana cigarettes. Every single product has a different use and even the marijuana strains will have different effects depending on what you’re looking for. There are indica strains which are more for people who want to relax. It’s the type of strain that will leave you “couch locked” which means it’s great for winding down and getting ready for bed. The indica strains will also have more of the pain healing effects. There are sativa’s which are great for euphoria, creativity, and being energetic. These strains are best for going out to a club, studying for a test, or even going out to do something active. For example, there was one strain called “Fire Stomper” that I really liked, personally. It kept me energetic and alert and did not have the “lazy” effect that smoking some strains give you. There are even hybrids which give you best of both worlds and other forms like dabs which is a newly concentrated form that is much stronger than smoking the bud itself.

On the other side, there are many other products like edibles, lotions, and salves. There are lip balm products, pain creams, and many more personal care products. As for edibles, there are many products available such as chocolate bars, gummy bears, drinks, and more. All of the products are labeled with information on how to consume it and what the effects are.

As you can see, this business has actually helped America out a lot. There are so many people who are benefiting from it’s use and Colorado is a state that is growing very rapidly because of it. It seems that the realtors out there are doing great at getting people into new homes because so many people are moving out there now. Same thing goes for Washington. The cities in these states are so different from what they were a year ago and I really hope that people begin to see all of the upsides to legalizing marijuana use in all of the other states in America. I have even heard stories of children with really bad epilepsy that have been pretty much cured because marijuana edibles keep the seizures at bay. I have even been around cancer patients that were so sick from chemo and interferon and this drug helped them through treatment by giving them an appetite and helping them through the pain. For those who see this “drug” as one that people only want to use to get high, you’re wrong. There are hundreds of other uses that can help everyone!
If this does go through within the next few years, we will definitely keep our doors open and welcome any marijuana business that wants to purchase our products to protect their investments! We will still be offering to help in any way we can because we believe that the benefits certainly outweigh any downsides presented. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions you may have on the legalities of your business when it comes to any of your security or surveillance needs. We have been studying this for a while now and learning the detailed specifics of every state that legalizes it in order to help you as best we can!