There comes a time where you need to have an FTP server and do not want to spend money on a machine that will be there 24/7. Here is the solution. All you will need are the following items and some optional ones to make it awesome ;).
(1) Raspberry Pi B /B+ or 2.
(1) 2amp 12VDC Adapter [USB] for power.
(1) USB to Sata Drive, for storage
Installing the OS Image onto the SD Card
Lets start by installing the image of Raspbian onto an SD card, I will be using a 32GB Class 10 SD card. These are great as they are fast and reliable.
Lets find the letter that the computer assigned the SD card and lets open the SD formatter tool, format the correct drive and move onto opening up the Win32 Imager tool.
select the correct Image and hit “Write” this will take some time so go make a cup of coffee…..
Once we have done this we will install the SD Card onto the raspberry pi ensuring that it is well seated. Lets turn it on by connecting the USB Connection.
Go ahead and expand the system files, select the “PI” Password and your local time. I also changed my local host name as I will be using this raspberry pi for other purposes and I already have another in my home network. After this is done the raspberry pi will boot up asking for a username and password. I elected to leave it in “command line mode” I do not need it to be running a desktop style background for this and it helps with performance. If you are skilled, you can also overclock this baby and just add heat sinks and fans to cool down the raspberry pi.
Installing updates
Lets go ahead and download any updates and install them, we will do this by imputing the following code onto the terminal
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get upgrade -y
This will take some time, after this is done we will install “VSFTPD”
#sudo apt-get install vsftpd -y
After this is done we need to use nano to edit a configuration file we do this by imputing the following command.
#sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf
We will need to edit some lines and writout the file and exit.
Here are the lines that need to be changed.
anonymous_enable=YES to
anonymous_enable=NO We need to uncomment a few things to enable them. Uncomment by removing [#]
#local_enable=YES to
local_enable=YES If you want to enable FTP uploading for the user in their home directory, uncomment the write_enable line by changing
You have the ability to have users locked onto their home directory
After this click on CRTL + O to write out the file and exit by clicking on CTRL X
We next need to enable FTP Root user this may be already set but its good to check you can also add pi to the list or any other users.
We will use again the awesome command nano.
#sudo nano /etc/ftpusers
Uncomment the
After this click on CRTL + O to write out the file and exit by clicking on CTRL X
You also want to change the Root Password to set the root password use the following command where root can be any other user.
#sudo passwd root
This will ask you for a new password and confirm it by imputing once again.
We will then restart the service by entering the following command.
#sudo service vsftpd restart
This will allow you to log into your system via FTP but there is more you will need to add a USB External Drive so as to not use the internal storage on your SD card.
We will do this by shutting down your raspberry pi and plugin your USB External drive onto the raspberry pi USB ports.
We will use the following command as we do not want to just unplug the raspberry pi as a method to shutting it down.
#sudo shutdown -h now
Setting up an External Drive to handle the files
We will need to ssh into the raspberry pi once more and input the following command to create some directories.
#sudo mkdir /media/shares
#sudo mkdir /media/shares/data
Then we input:
#sudo blkid
This will give you the following output, in mine it is
our drive is /dev/sda1 with a UUID=”3CD8-1613″
Once you know this information you will need to input this command
#sudo nano /etc/fstab
Add this line
#UUID="3CD8-1613/media/shares/data auto uid=pi,gid=pi,noatime 0 0
hit CTRL + O to write out the file and exit by CTRL + X
Then we mount the drive by using this command:
#sudo mount -a
after this you should be able to access the folder/files
#cd /media/shares/data
and display the file contents using
#ls -lah
If you external Drive has a format of NTFS we will need to install ntfs-3g
#sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
then mount your drives
#sudo mount -a
Once you have done this we will move to our Recorder.
Setting up our NVR/DVR to send information to our Low Powered FTP Server
We will need to access the recorder’s IP address – in my case it is
I have the default passwords set for this demonstration.
I navigate to the “Setup” tab then select the “Network” tab and finally click on “FTP”
A new window will appear and we will be imputing the Raspberry Pi FTP servers IP address.
Host IP =
Port = 21 (default) can be changed in the raspberry pi.
User Name = root (lower case)
Password = your password
remote directory is = /media/shares/data
File Length = I set this to 20 Minutes
Image Upload Interval = 2 (Default)
Channel = All ( Or any of your choosing)
and select the periods and recording based on motion, alarms or Regular. Click on Save and you are done.
Once last thing is to set the Raspberry pi to that specific IP address, meaning Static IP Address.
Setting the Raspberry Pi Static IP Address
Setting up the RPI to Static IP is simple.
Log in as usual with SSH using Putty
We will back up some files just in case.
#sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.sav
Then we will open the configuration file
#sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
uncomment the line “iface eth0 inet dhcp”
It should be
#iface eth0 inet dhcp then we will add
# The loopback interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static #your static IP address #your gateway IP gateway netmask #your network address "family" network broadcast The comments will let you know what items to change in my case I only had to change the IP address to Voila! You are done. Reboot the RPI and you should be set.