So you just ordered all of your equipment from, and now it is time to do your very first Security Camera Installation. Don’t panic! We are going to cover the knowledge you must have along with the equipment that will be needed to install your very own CCTV system. But first, I want to stress how important it is to have a solid plan. Planning camera and monitoring locations is crucial for a smooth installation. Let’s kick this off!

When planning your security camera installation there is a lot to consider. When plotting an area for your camera, consider the lighting and environment. Never install a camera in a low light room that points directly into a sunny area. You should consider testing the camera in all scenarios before you make it a permanent camera location. Another thing to consider is the length and space that the camera will be utilized for. There are specific lenses for different circumstances, so make sure you have the right lens for the job.

Now let’s talk about camera placement. You want to get the most out of your system for the least amount of money, right? Being strategic in this effort will give you the most bang for your buck. Camera placement is so important. I cannot stress this enough. You will also want to avoid overlapping cameras. When you do your preliminary setup, make sure that the camera placement is practical to run cable to. This is very important, as it will save you a lot of time, money, and energy. If it isn’t practical to run cable to the camera then you might want to reevaluate the setup.
You will need many tools to complete this job to a high standard. So lets do a little check list of what we will need to complete this task. Ladders are very important in the CCTV world. I advise on scoping out the job to see what size ladders you will need for the job. You are also going to need power drills depending on the job. Power drills….drills with concrete bit, metal, and a wood bit. Don’t get caught off guard without the proper equipment! Power supplies for the cameras… I prefer to use a Power supply box for this task. The power supply should be installed near your DVR for when you connect your BNC to your DVR so it will be close by to use your Siamese power connector to install into the Power Supply.
Next would be the connectors. After you run your desired cable you are going to have to attach the proper connectors. I like to use a BNC COMPRESSION connector, but there are many to pick from such as a BNC TWIST, BNC CRIMP, ETC. It comes down to preference here.
These connectors require special tools to function. For example, the BNC COMPRESSION requires a Compression tool, and a BNC CRIMP required a Crimp tool. Make sure you have the correct tool BEFORE you start the job as this will cause another HEADACHE. You also need to have a stripping tool to strip the desired cable that you need. And don’t forget your wire cutters! The purpose of the wire that we will be using for your CCTV system will be to transmit power and data to your surveillance cameras and recorder. What you will need to know is how to assemble connectors to your wires, and how to run the wires through the home, building, etc. You will also need certain tools to get this job done, so I do recommend having all of your tools ready before you start the job. I have first-hand experience with not having what you need, and it can be a painful headache!
It is very important to understand the layout of the job that you are doing. Reason being, is that there are a few different cable solutions to fit specific needs. The first thing you need to know is if the camera is going to be powered remotely or locally. If there is a power outlet within a few feet of the camera then you can get away with plugging that in directly, and running a RG-6 for video. If the camera is not near a power supply you are going to have to run a Siamese cable, or RG-6 along with a power cable.
The most physical part of the job is going to be running the cables. So be ready to pull that ladder out and do some stretching before you go up in that attic. Some things you need to know before you start this job is to never run cables alongside high power lines. Also, not running too many feet of cable as the video will distort and you might lose some quality. I also recommend high quality cable as well. A CCTV system is well worth the money. Also keep in mind that it is always better to run too much cable then not enough… Don’t put yourself in that situation!

Ok, so now you have run all of your cables to your desired monitoring location. Let’s say you have used Siamese cable for this job and you installed 8 cameras. You will now have to connect the Siamese to both ends. At the camera and also at the recorder. Connect the Siamese to the camera, connect to the recorder as well as the power supply. Now it is time to test the camera for power and clarity. It is very important to test the camera before you mount it. You do not want to have to do more work then you have to!!
It is now time for the finishing touches. A big part of doing a job is the appearance. You don’t want cables all over the place and looking sloppy. Take the time to do the job right the first time. It will be well worth it! Set up your DVR to your personal preferences and start your recording. See, it wasn’t all that bad now was it?
For more information on CCTV Installation or to hire a professional, check out our CCTV Installation Services.