A home security monitor camera can alert you to the arrival of any guests long before they reach your door. A home security monitor camera can also be used as a baby monitor to keep a watchful eye over your child while they are awake or asleep. Finally, a home security monitor camera used in conjunction with an electronic door can be used as an entry/exit monitor, allowing the user to see who is at the door and allowing them access without the need to greet them at the door.
These are just some of the specific uses for a home security monitor camera. Of course, the use of a home security monitor camera for protecting your property both inside and out is also common. Most home digital video security systems have security monitor cameras and monitors as well as a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) unit to record what the cameras capture for later viewing or other use.
Let’s take a closer look at some the uses for a home security monitor camera. Our first example states that a home security monitor camera can alert you to the arrival of any guests long before they reach your door. This is particularly useful for homes in very rural settings or homes with fairly long driveways from the road to the house.
In this instance a digital video camera, preferably an outdoor night vision infrared camera can be mounted outdoors on a pole, tree, or similar structure with its field of vision focused at the driveway. When people or vehicles approach the house, you will be able to see them far in advance of reaching your door.
A particularly useful feature for this application is a camera with a motion detector. The motion detector is a Passive InfraRed (PIR) sensor that detects changes in infrared energy. A sudden change indicates movement to the sensor which is connected to a relay. When the detector senses motion, it activates the relay which in turn initiates the camera to begin recording.
Another use for a home security monitor camera is a baby monitor. In this case DVRs are seldom used as real-time (live) monitoring of the baby is the focal point of using the monitor camera. In fact, these systems have become so popular that specialty baby monitor cameras are now sold apart from digital video security systems.
These units are usually wireless cameras and monitor/receivers. The camera is an indoor night vision infrared digital video camera. The camera works by using near infrared spectrum radiation to illuminate the field of vision. The infrared illumination is normally provided by an array of infrared Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) that surround the camera lens. These LEDs provide illumination for the camera in the near infrared spectrum.
The camera has a sensor that can see this illumination, but the human eye cannot. Therefore, baby monitor cameras can provide high quality monochrome or black and white video in darkness and normal color video in visible light. When operating in the night time mode the camera will not disturb the baby’s sleep because the LED light can be seen by the human eye.
Another specialized use of a home security monitor camera is for entrance/exit control. A digital video camera is usually mounted in such a position that its field of view will include any individuals that come to your door. The cameras can include audio monitoring as well and when combined with a remote electronic switching mechanism can make a very effective sentry control device. In addition to using these cameras at door entrances they work extremely well when combined with remote gate openers at driveway entrances also.
These are just a few of the more common specialized uses for home security monitor cameras. There are many more applications for using a home security monitor camera. Another particularly nice feature of these cameras is that they are easy enough to install yourself. In fact, in most cases installing your own digital video security camera system shouldn’t take much more time than a weekend.
Security Camera King has a variety of home security monitor camera systems. If you are interested in purchasing a home security monitor camera or would like more information, contact one of our security experts today via live chat or telephone. Click on the “Live Chat” button at the top of the page or call 1-800-866-573-8878 from Monday through Friday 9AM-6PM EST.