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TSS error on open, very slow to connect
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October 3, 2013 - 12:59 am
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I have a brand new machine running windows 7, fresh out of the box. I have downloaded the version of TSS on your website as well as the older version I am using on other machines in our office. I downloaded the newest version after I had problems installing it. When I initially open the program I am always greeted with an error that says, "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into the drive \Device\Harddisk\DR1/" After I click any button, Cancel, Try again, or Continue it allows me to login to the software. I can add my dvr and connect to it to see all of the camera's. Anytime I select one of the windows to select the initial camera to view the program freezes. If I let it stay there for about 1 minute it will come back to life and I can select a camera. It takes an additional 45-65 seconds to connect with the camera. I have to repeat this process and it is very labored. On my other machines in the same office have no issues. They open quickly and without hesitation. Any idea what the issue could be. Brand new windows 7 machine. 

Techpro Security
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October 3, 2013 - 8:21 am
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About the error " Please insert a disk into the drive \Device\Harddisk\DR1/" I have never see this issue before, in Fact you will be the first customer that I know that have seen this error when opening the software. In regards of the slow connection is normally due to the fact that you are trying to view the cameras using the main stream instead of the sub stream. Normally the main Stream will be higher in resolution, bit rate and frames against the sub stream. the sub stream is what the phone app uses to connect to the DVR and is mostly reliable providing fluent connection, so I will recommend that you add the Cameras to the software using the sub stream instead and give it a try. To do this simply right click on the DVR device Name and choose Extra Stream or you can add on camera at the time by right clicking on each of the channels of the DVR Name. 





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October 6, 2013 - 12:20 am
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"There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into the drive \Device\Harddisk\DR1/" After I click any button, Cancel, Try again, or Continue


I believe the above problem is more of a Windows issue than a TSS issue.


Check out this Microsoft Support link for details. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/330137


This issue can sometimes occur if there is a USB flash drive connected to your computer.

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