October 18, 2015

I have 16 channels Ultimate mini DVR. I am successful to forward 3 ports:
TCP port 37777
HTTP port 90
port 554
I can see them open via canyousemee.org
I also have hostname h3635.dyndns.org which I created on DYNDNS.COM.
I can remote viewing my cameras on local network by using Iphone 6 or PC.
Remote viewing outside network, I have problem with iphone6. I fowlow set up with QuickDNS mode, use the host name on the app and set up DNS for DVR. It looks like easy but it is not. I got error mesage Failed to login when start live review ( off course I turned off wifi on my iphone). Did I did something wrong? But when I use http:// h3635.dyndns.org:90 or http:// 90 on my laptop I can view my cameras on WEB SERVICE. is my DVR ip. Please! help.

If you are using a forwarding service, they need to have the correct external IP address to start with. Then the DVR or router needs to have the update information in order to update their server every time the IP address changes. You are still using IP Domain mode when you enter an address like h3635.dyndns.org since that is a domain.

September 16, 2014

Hello sir,
I tried to access your system with my android phone and be advised, it is working, I can see your cameras. What app are you using for your iPhone? We recommend the iDMSS Lite for your iPhone and gDMSS for your Android phone. Also I highly recommend to change the DVR default password. Don't forget to also update your mobile devices with the new password.
Good luck!
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