November 20, 2013

I recently installed Smart PSS on my MAC. I have tried to set up several camera systems but are having a problem as follows: I have set up 2 systems. 2 are off network 1 is in my network. I can's seem to view any of my cams. When I open the preview window & click on a system I get a red line to the left of the system name and a red circle at the channel name. I have tried several different ways of entering info in the device mgr to no effect. I have the same systems in my phone (techproSS lite) with the same data in the device mgr and they work fine. Help!
Ray C.
Good day Ray I see that your using Smart PSS for MAC do you have the regular PSS installed also? Try configuring your Smart PSS under device manager using the DVR/NVR that's on your local network first.
Heres some videos on the basic set up
Also on quick tip. If you are trying to login to your recorder from PSS using the external IP address wile on your network then you can't do that. An example is if i have my recorder in my house and I want to access it via PSS then I will configure a connection using the internal IP address of the DVR. If I want to access the same recorder but when I'm offsite then I will set one connection with the external IP address and I will need to make sure that I'm off my network to access it from outside. Like for example if I'm at Starbucks then I will connect to my recorder using the external IP, and when I get home I will use the internal ip.

November 20, 2013

Thanks for responding to my plea! I do have the older PSS installed, should I uninstall that? I also do have the system in my local network set up with the internal IP and the same system set up with the external IP. As I mentioned I also have these same systems set up on my phone and I can see all of them fine. What does the red line and circle tell me. I assume its just telling me the system can't connect, is that right?
Thanks, Ray C.
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