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Router Not Allowing Outside Access to DVR
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August 12, 2014 - 11:33 pm
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I have the DVR-LT 4120MHD.  It was able to see the DVR externally via my quick DDNS web address and the TechPro (iPhone and iPad app)  until my AT&T Uverse router ports went out.  The AT&T rep exchanged my old 2Wire gateway with a new Motorola NVG589 gateway.  I cannot figure out how to get the correct ports forwarded.  I believe I have added manually TCP port 37777 and UDP 37778.  There was a service listed as HTTP and it was on port 80, so I added it as well.  I cannot find a setting for forwarding port RTSP 554.  I can select TCP, UDP, or BOTH in the drop down menu.  I tried the BOTH option and port 554 (for RTSP) but still does not work.  I restarted several time both the DVR and the NVG589 router.  I can access the DVR internally using its IP address with no issues.  

I ran a software from port forward.com that says TCP 37777 port is open, but it cannot see UDP port 37778.  It also seem to be unsure about being able to detect RTSP 554.  Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong?  When I log into my quickens.com account, my device is not listed.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Jose Malave
Boca Raton, Florida
Forum Posts: 820
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August 13, 2014 - 7:40 am
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Here is what I found for this modem.


  1. Login to your modem at (or whatever the default gateway is set to)
  2. Click on the Firewall tab at the top
  3. Click on NAT/Gaming
  4. Click on Custom Services and fill out the fields as necessary and save and return to the previous page
  5. Back on the NAT/Gaming main page, choose the Service you just created, and then choose the appropriate device in the Needed by Device field.
  6. Click Add.

Hopefully that works, but if the NVG589 is anything like the NVG510 when it comes to this, it has an issue of having a device with a public IP address in the Needed by Device field. If that's the case, the best option in my opinion is to use your own router for port forwarding options or just go passthrough straight to your device, and just setup the NVG589 in a passthrough mode with that router or straight to that device.


To do so:


  1. Login to your modem at (or whatever the default gateway is set to)
  2. Click on the Firewall tab at the top
  3. Click on IP Passthrough
  4. On Passthrough Mode choose DHCPS-fixed
  5. On Passthrough MAC Address, input the MAC Address of your router or device. (If you are not sure of the MAC Address, you can locate it by going to Device -> Device List in the NVG589. It will have a list of all the devices connected to it along with the MAC Address of the Device).
  6. Click Save at the bottom.

Hopefully, this helps out. Let us know how it goes. I also attached a Manual. See page 71 ....

 Jose Malave - IT Director| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 | E-mail: support@securitycameraking.com

Forum Posts: 14
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July 26, 2014
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August 13, 2014 - 8:43 am
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I too saw those instructions and I did those steps.  I just went back and verified they were done correctly, to the best of my knowledge.  I am getting push notifications from the DVR, but still cannot connect and still the DVR does not show up in my quickddns.com profile.  I am unfamiliar with using my apple airport as a pass through.  Is that the next best option?  Should I follow the steps in your previous post and try that?

Jose Malave
Boca Raton, Florida
Forum Posts: 820
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January 3, 2014
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August 13, 2014 - 9:02 am
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The best advice is to give us a call in and have a Tech. Look into your setup as there are also some port forwarding to be done in the Apple Airport. 866.573.8878 Option 3

 Jose Malave - IT Director| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 | E-mail: support@securitycameraking.com

August 13, 2014 - 9:20 am
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there are two reasons the ddns may not be working properly.  The first is configuration is not correct, or the router maybe stopping it. in either case I would need you to call it see what you have. Some routers have the option for ddns so you could try setting it up there instead. The DVR does not have to do it. The DVR does just in case your router does not

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