August 12, 2013

So I have the latest Tech Pro SS Plus app on my Galaxy S5. Loving it!! I am having an odd issue though with regards to Push Notifications. I have a photo beam at my gate...when tripped, the NVR sends a notification to my Android. I have the PUSH options activated for both HOME (on network) and AWAY (off network). Alarm 1, gate cam.
HOME - someone approaches the gate, photobeam trips, notification is pushed to my phone, I open notification and see the gate video. SWEET...works great and pretty darn fast too. Now, I go off network (cell network) same scenerio...problem is, I am AWAY using LTE but the NVR sends me the HOME alert? Again, I have both HOME and AWAY notifications configured and active on the device. Any suggestions? As you can imagine, I click the notification, the app opens but fails to log into the camera feed. I should add I have both home and away configured on the app and can view all cams on or off network accordingly when I want to view from phone app.
Second question...is it possible to default the TP app to display LIVE cam view when opened from push rather than recorded video? Would be awesome to get the notification, open it and see real time what is going on at the gate rather than have to open and then push the live icon.
Thanks in advance
Hello Shawn,
Let me look in to that issue with the push. I will have to simulate the alarm input with two wires and see how the Unit responds. Can you give me the specific model of the NVr? Also for the TP to display live cam view when opened from push, I' m not understanding the question. Can you explain this a little bit more?

August 12, 2013

Thanks VERY much for the reply...
The model of my NVR is the NVR-ELC-16.
What I mean by default open to live feed...
Say the alarm is tripped, the NVR sends the push notification...currently, the config options on the push are PHOTO or RECORDED VIDEO. What I would love to see by default when opened is LIVE FEED. Meaning, when I receive the push notification, then click on the notification, the TP SS app opens and would like to have it open to live video rather than a photo or recent recorded video.
My main concern is the issue with AWAY and HOME notifications...
The software seems to ONLY remember the last subscription setup...meaning, if I chose AWAY or HOME subscription. If my AWAY is not working, I simply unsubscribe and then subscribe again, the problem is, now, my home will not work. It only seems to remember the last one, not able to manage being subscribed to both and determining which network it is on automatically. Meaning, if the device is HOME (LAN) or LTE (AWAY).
Thanks again for your response...
Happy to help in any way I can...
So I have tested the NVR with a sensor connected to Alarm 1 and I have set Push notifications for both the in connection and the out connection. When I trigger the alarm I get a push notification fine using the local connection I created. I disconnect the Phone of my Wifi and test again. I get a successful notification using the away connection. I have made sure that the push notification option is enabled on each of the connections and that only the correct local alarm is checked for the alarm input in the app. I tested this using TechproSS Plush on an Android Device.

May 4, 2013

When you say "away", are you referring to using a DDNS service for that configuration? I understand the the HOME & AWAY concept, but practically speaking, I use only use what you would call "away", meaning I use my no-ip address at all times. I don't really see any benefit setting up a "home" configuration, which I take to mean you're using your direct IP address at home. So if you always use away, you resolve the issue with push in that respect. As far as seeing live feed for push, that's not what push is meant to do. It's meant to push the footage of the event. You can quickly switch over to live feed and follow up on the event if needed.

August 12, 2013

Hey Guys,
Thanks for the effort Jesus...glad to see it's probably just something on my end and that means a solution
I may have config issues...including the ip setup as shockwave mentions.
Yes, I do and have always had 2 separate setups... (local ip and actual ip for off LAN)
Meaning, local IP for HOME and off network ip for local network...This is the way I was told it needed to be configured...
Please, do explain...you use your "no-ip" address? Is this like a static service? Does that impact your data usage at all on your phone other than being of your local LAN?
I would welcome the use of only one setup of favorites and other features rather than maintaining both.

May 4, 2013

Well what are you using for your away address? For me, I use my dns host name that I set up at no-ip, which tracks my home public IP address. I suspect you're using your home public IP address when you're away, and the dvr address when you're home. There's nothing wrong with that, except when your public IP changes because of a power outage and such, you'll have to change that in the away configuration in techpro each time to match the new address. Something like no-ip is a free account that you sign up for, put that info in the dvr or nvr, and then use that custom host name in techpro. And you can just use that all the time and not worry about two different IP address for home and away. It's much easier that way. Hope this helps some.

August 12, 2013

I think I understand the concept of what you are suggesting down ok...where I am confused...the fact that there is NO ip LOL I signed up on no-ip and for whatever reason was thiking I would now have a static ip. Hello...no ip. So my question is this...my NVR has a local ip address in its setup...I have port forwarding on my router to that ip. I have a host name now with "no-ip". Are you saying I somehow replace the ip address in the configuration on the NVR GUI? Will it accept anything other than an ip? I see the tech pro software does on my android. Not sure what option I should use there BTW..ip/domain or quick ddns?
I love the concept of a single ip..just not sure how the host name is gonna work with everything versus a static ip service vs host name (no-ip) service?
Thanks for all your help..

May 4, 2013

No you do not change the IP address in your NVR. That stays the same, as does your forwarded ports info in your router. In the NVR, go into the networking menu and go into the DDNS menu. This is where you choose no-ip from the drop down list. The server IP and port will fill in automatically [dynupdate.no-ip.com & port 80]. For the domain name you enter the custom host name you created at no-ip, exactly, make sure you input it correctly. The user name and password is your login info when you sign into your account at no-ip. The last field is how often it updates your home public IP address with no-ip, leave it set at default. Save that. That's it. Now in your techpro app, keep the same ports but change the address to your no-ip host name you created. You should be all set. You can now use that one configuration whether you're at home or away.

August 12, 2013

Thanks VERY much for taking the time to explain in detail...busy day today with work but I will dive into this later this evening...Sounds like you gave every step in detail...really appreciate that!!
This should solve many issues and improve my experience with the apps as well...
Hope I can return the favor someday shockwave...
BTW - You ever dive into any zwave/home automation...?
That's a hobby/addiction of mine...Vera user myself and love all the tricks you can do with it...sounds like something you might dig as well.
Example of latest project...I use zwave switch at gate (LONG distance-wireless network bridge) connected to photo beam to trigger another zwave switch back at the house to trigger the NVR alarm...the photo beam trigger (if someone is stopped at gate, us driving through doesn't trip it) makes Vera tell my Harmony AV remote to turn on TV to gate cam and turn back off 5 min later...stuff like that Almost everything it can do can be voice activated with one touch of mobile app too. Nice when I roll in at night and open front gate, all outside lights turn on around the property...even the fountain out front during the day LOL Fun stuff...VERY addictive though
Have a great weekend !!
Thanks again

May 4, 2013

Wow that all sounds awesome! I'll check in later tonight and see how you did.

August 12, 2013

Well, wish I had good news but I may need to wait a bit longer...I just got a new TV today after my samsung 65" HDMI board went out (again). They actually bouyght it back from me. Anyway, I also have a HDMI extender (2 cat6 runs) from my NVR in another (safe) room and the TV in the living room...looks like the HDMI extender is out too...UGH. So, that means no display from the NVR right now. Thinking I will eliminate that extender...this is the 3rd time I have had issue with it. Makes me wonder if its the TV causing problems or the darn extender...With a new TV, think I will eliminate the extender too. Chasing my tail more like it...LOL
Will be sure to check back in though...Thanks!!!

August 12, 2013

So, I have tried the no-ip configuration as suggested...your details were spot on for the NVR...I am a little unclear though on the app...? Amm I to n use ip/domain or the Quick ddns? Assuming the port was the original port 37777 and same I'd and pass or I used before to access thenvr...same as the ones I use to access through tv GUI? I have triedboth, using my no-ip domain as where my ip address was before...I am unable to log into the nvr. Have only tried on network but figured that would be the easy one. I do have port forwarding on my router from the two previous set I psychological discusssed. Local ip and off network ip access to the nvr. Any thoughts...thanks for your patience.
Make sure that your mobile is not connected to the Wifi network as this will give you an error. Disconnect from the Wifi and you can use the DDNS address. Im sure that you have both the tcp and http ports open . [80 & 37777] These can be changes refer to the network settings tab on your NVR.
If you continue having connection issues call our Tech Support @ 866 573-8878 Option 3
Jose Malave - IT Director| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 | E-mail: support@securitycameraking.com

August 12, 2013

Yikes...now I am totally confused...
Does this mean the only way I can use the DDNS feature is off the local LAN? I was under the impression that it would work on both LAN (home) and LTE (away). If the use of DDNS requires me to only use the LTE data, that would not work for me at all as I have a limited amount of data on my LTE plan and do lots of streaming over the local network to my mobile devices...Sling Box for example to view my DirecTV box over my mobile devices.
I was under the impression from Shockwave's previous post that the DDNS would automatically work over LAN and LTE? I really like the sound of that as I would not need two different configurations to fumble through when trying to access the NVR on and off network. This would also resolve the original issue I am still having. When subscribed to both HOME and AWAY ALARM 1 Push Config, I often get AWAY Push Notification when I am actually on the HOME (lan) connection. Obviously, when I open the AWAY Push while on HOME connection, it will not log into the push video.
Perhaps I am missing something...???

May 4, 2013

I use my No-ip address in my dmss app in my phone while connected to wifi at home. I do this on my Android tablet too. In the app you use ip/domain and put your No-ip address in the address field, just the name itself. Assuming you forwarded port 37777 and 80 correctly, in the app you use port 37777. Then you use your typical login details. Save that. There is no need to disconnect from wifi though. When you're away from home you use that device setup and when you get home and your mobile connects to your wan, you can still use that device setup. Been doing so for years now.
Good morning when using DDNS your givin a domain name that correspons with your dynamic external IP address so if and when your public (WAN) IP address changes the DDNS server will update the domain with the new IP address. Now if your trying to log in to your DVR/NVR use your domain while on the same network as the unit you may and will come across issues you can't really go out your router/modem and come back in, yes it may work but it's not really recommended. So when on the same network as the DVR/NVR using the wifi you will need to configure the IP address in the Techpross APP with the internal address you have configured in the unit and when not on the same network and using your 3G or on someone else's wifi you will use your domain name. You will need to make 2 separate configurations 1 named at home and the other away from home.

May 4, 2013

That has not been my experience. Being on my home wifi, I'm still able to use my No-ip device setup in my mobile and tablet. There really should be no reason to use two separate home and away setups, which adds to user inconvenience. I'm looking at live feed on my tablet right now on my home wifi with No-ip in the app. And to clarify your explanation, a service like No-ip tracks your public Lan address, not wan. These days even though most of us who have dynamic public addresses from our Internet providers, it can almost seem like it's static. The only time it really changes is if there's a power glitch our outage long enough so that when the modem reboots we are assigned a new public Lan address. So, we really can mostly use our public Lan address most of the time in our apps. I did this when No-ip was down for a bit earlier this summer. But ideally, it's best to just use your No-ip address full time. Your nvr will update everything and keep things rolling.
Going to jump in with my 2 cents here. I believe you are both correct and you are both wrong. If you use the DDNS address to connect to your recorder all the time whether you are in the WAN or LAN then that is the same thing as always using your external IP address. I use my external IP address all the time now, whether I am home our out. BUT..this did not always work for me. I have two ISP in my home. I used to have my recorder connected to a DSL account (now it's UVerse and haven't tried it with that network) in my bedroom because my comcast internet did not have a connection there. When my recorder was on the DSL network, I had to create two different accounts in my Mobile app. One for when I was at home, and one for when I was out. The home setup used my internal IP address and I used that when I was on the internal network. The "away" account in my app used the external IP address (I was using DYNDNS at that time which used to be free). I could never connect to my cameras when I was connected to my home network using the external IP so I was forced to do this.
Then I switched the recorder to my Comcast ISP network suing a wireless access point, mainly so I could get better bandwidth and to my surprise, I could use the "away" account in my app whether I was in the same network or not. At first I thought my phone was just using the DSL account, but I made sure to connect my phone to the same network as the recorder (on the comcast network) and it worked perfectly using the external IP. I switched back and forth between AT&T and Comcast several times to make sure I wasn't deceiving myself. This all happened about two years ago. Since then, I only use comcast for all my internet and my IP phones at home use the AT&T network and I have had no issues since then.
Bottom line, whether you can use the external IP while inside your network is dependent upon your ISP. At least, that is the experience I had. And that is my 2 cents worth.....

May 4, 2013

It can be confusing for sure. As I said, you can use your public WAN address and mostly get away with it until for whatever reason that address changes, and then you won't be able to connect remotely until you are back on that local network and get the new LAN IP address. That can be just an inconvenience, or it can be a real security risk if you're caught by surprise not being able to log onto your cameras remotely. So ideally, you want to use your DDNS account, in this case the OP is using no-ip. By the way, when you're on your local network, meaning at home, you can easily find your public LAN IP by browsing to whatsmyip.com. That will show you your public LAN IP address. It is that address you can use for the address in your mobile app, be it phone and/or tablet. But as I said, that address can change at any time, unless you are specifically paying extra for a static LAN address from your internet provider. Because that is not a cheap option, there are services such as no-ip that track the changes automatically for you.
And to make matter even more confusing, if you're on a pc plugged into your LAN at home [ethernet cable as opposed to wireless], within techproSS software on your computer, you can use your actual dvr/nvr address to hit your camera system.
Which reminds me Shawn in FLA, you did make your nvr IP address in the nvr itself static right? That's a setting within the nvr you need to set once the nvr has it's IP address- make that address static in the nvr options to do so. That will ensure that everything 'talking' to one another and updating will remain a constant, without change. Hang tight Shawn, you WILL conquer, lol!
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