April 11, 2015

Our DVR has been working great until yesterday and then it kept re-booting itself with flags but wouldn't say what the flags are just numbers and then, I noticed every time that someone tries to log in with their phone it causes the whole system to freeze up, the mouse will not respond on the screen and then it will reboot itself minutes later and then do the whole scenario again when someone else tries to login. We have only had this DVR for not even 2 months. ANY IDEAS!!! Do you think the system is bad? I don't know what to do. I tried talking to tech support but they have not been any help. I am to the point of sending this one back and having a replacement sent. Has anyone else had these problems?
Thank you!

First thing is first, do you have any hard drives or DVD burners inside this unit? If so, you will need to disconnect all of them and do the test over again. It is very possible that a hard drive or burner is causing this issue. Please keep us posted and we will continue from there. Thank You.
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