May 4, 2013

I'm referring to the remote admin login account with this.
I changed the admin password but failed to pull the network cable from the dvr first before I opened both gdmss and PSS to change to the new password and of course, got locked out. I think the behavior is not good to begin with, but so be it. So, I created an admin1 account with admin credentials and got everything happy again with remote software. My question is, can the original admin account be unlocked in the dvr somehow? I couldn't see how to do it. Do you have to delete it and create a new admin account? I didn't want to delete the original admin account before knowing if it can just be unlocked. Thanks.
it can definately be unlocked as long as no one or no app keeps trying to access it with the wrong password. If an account is locked the only thing you can do is restart the dvr, then the account retry threshold will be reset to 3 attempts. Fail to logging with the old or new password then we can create a recovery password so you can asign a new admin password.

May 4, 2013

Oh ok. So I'll restart the Dvr and it should show unlocked. The lesson learned with this is to give your admin account a new password right away when setting up the Dvr for the first time, and before you start assigning remote software the admin account.
Short of that, if you want to change the admin account password and you know you have remote software using the account, be it phones or pss, first create a second admin account with admin credentials and log all your remote software into it. Or you can log into a user account. Then you are clear to change the original admin account password without remote software causing a conflict. Then you can log remote software back into the admin account without conflict, if you want. Or another way to do it, you need to pull the network cable from the Dvr first, change the admin password in the Dvr, then change all remote software passwords to the new one for the admin account, then plug the network cable back in.
The odd moral of the story, set all your remote accounts passwords when you first set up a new unit, because changing passwords after the fact can be complicated.
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