December 31, 2013
How do you change the virtual port number that cameras get assigned in this NVR. I've tried connecting them one at a time in the order I want but they continue to go back to ports that I don't want them on. I've reset a couple of them to factory defaults and then connected them in order but they still go back. All my IP cameras are working but they are on random ports so I can't order the cameras the way I want.
December 31, 2013
I disconnected every camera. Powered the DVR off. Let it sit for 2 minutes. Powered DVR without cameras connected. Connected the camera that I want on virtual port 1 on port 1. It showed up on port 1. I then connected the camera that I wanted on virtual port 2 to port 2. It went to port 1 and the one that was on port 1 showed up on port 3. This pattern continued as I connected cameras and they were randomly assigned.
The NVR POE port number does not corresponds to the window in the NVR interface. The NVR choose randomly the channel (Window) where the camera will show up. Unless this is an ONVIF camera then you basically need to input the IP info manually and the next available channel will be use.
The only way I have see this to "work" is if the NVR gets reset. This is how the POE switch build in works by nature.
May 4, 2013
Yeah in my experience you have to initially add them in order to get them in order. I think I remember reading once that you can delete a camera out of the remote list and it will be reassigned when putting it back in. Also check and see if you can drag and drop to rearrange the camera windows right on the monitor to the layout you prefer. Since I use the local monitor the least and use pss and gdmss almost all the time, in those applications you can configure the order however you want.
May 4, 2013
You could try this. Unplug all cameras from the nvr poe. Plug back in the camera you want to go into the first window. When it comes up it will of course be in the wrong window. Go into remote device menu in the nvr and you'll see the camera address and all. Click on modify, which should be a pencil icon. In that drop down there should be a remote channel setting where you can change the channel to whatever channel you want. That should put it in the window you want. It would be good if someone from support here confirmed it works. I think it will.
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