May 4, 2013
Specifically on my ultimate mini 8 channel dvr, can port 37777 be changed to 100 for forwarding? And does techproSS support that change to 100, as long as it's setup properly in device config? Reason I'm asking is because I'm having trouble hitting my cameras in my phone, in a generic app that worked with a different dvr [not brand specific to that dvr]. I suspect the app may not like port 37777 and maybe it will take port 100 for the mobile port, as it did for a previous dvr with a mobile port of 100. So, can I use port 100 for tcp and will techproSS software support 100 as a port in device config? Thanks for your help.
May 4, 2013
Thanks for the fast response! I've tried main stream in DMSS and it didn't work. It takes in my channel list and I can see channel names but it fails to stream, giving a message 'initialize play failed.' But I know it's logging in and taking the channel list. Not sure what that problem is, other than the fact that I'm doing this on a windows phones @ WP 7.5, not windows 8.
In this other app I'm asking about, it's really generic but it works fine...when it works. I'll have to try port 100 and see if that plays nice together. I'm trying ANYTHING to avoid having to get new phones just to see video.
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