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Let me know how do I install cameras on my food truck?
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July 1, 2021 - 11:37 am
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Howdy everyone! I'm currently doing food truck business.

Me and my partners own 3 food trucks and we just added mobile payment as a new payment method since it's gonna be safer to do business on the street.

Y'all know it's not safe to touch all these cash and coins during this COVID timing.

Also, it's not that safe in some neighborhoods we go.

So for the safety issue, we're now considering putting some security cameras on our trucks!

Maybe like 2 to 3 cameras on each truck to record who come to buy from us.

However I've asked around about this and it seems that nobody has done this before due to space or internet limitations.

Is it? There's no other way to let me put some cameras on the truck?

Eric Wilson

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October 15, 2014
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July 1, 2021 - 12:05 pm
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Food trucks are in the odd position of *possibly* being able to use a standard CCTV system, though in general it would be negligent to at least not mention mobile NVRs.  Generally, if you put a recorder in an NVR you're going to need a mobile DVR/NVR, which is a speciality device that is small, incredibly shock/vibration resistant, generally only takes SSD drives and comes with a sim card slot for LTE data.  We do not sell these devices, but they can be found on the market with similarly vibration resistant cameras designed for use on the road and in motion, with deployment in vehicles in mind.  They are costly, but they are made solely for that purpose and generally do a good job of it.

Food trucks can be a little more sedentary than say... a Brinks truck and there's a world where I can see someone using a regular system.  Internet is not a necessity if you're willing to use a recorder to manage your footage and do not need remote viewing to access your recordings.  All you would need is a small PC monitor and a mouse.  If you want to purchase a mobile router with ethernet (like this option from ATT https://www.att.com/buy/connec.....black.html) you can even connect the device through cellular.

That being said: these aren't designed or rated to be installed on a truck.  They should not operate while the truck is running as the constant vibration will ruin your video stream and potentially kill your hard drive unless you're using a solid state drive.  Camera deterioration from being installed on the side of a truck vibrating away between stops will not be covered under any standard warranty.  If the lens knocks loose or internals fail; it's being used outside of it's design use scenario and would have to be replaced.  It would work well for a truck that generally stays where it operates and has a way to keep the system powered even when the truck is unable to provide the system with power.  

I hope this provides you with some jumping off points to make some decisions.  Please let us know if you have any other questions.

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