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How to set up a door up for a "Lock-Down" -- Disclaimer --- Check with local laws before anything!
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June 16, 2017 - 4:19 pm
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In this article I am going to explain how to connect a latch switch to a mag lock or door strike. It is VERY important that you consult with your fire Marshall and verify your local laws before you even entertain the thought of installing a “Lock-Down” type system.

One example of what customers look for is an option to have a front door open all of time, but have the option to have a button or switch that will lock the door in case an unwanted guest arrives. This is a pretty easy thing to do if you are only using a single door with no type of access control. For that you will just need a mag lock, relay, and power supply.This article is more geared towards someone that in in the market for a whole access control system such as our DX line of access control products or already has one. An example that came up with a customer was that they wanted to use our DX controller with a mag lock, reader, and push to exit like a standard set up along with a rule to where the front door was open during business hours but locked with permissions that will open it using the reader after hours. With this example, the door is wide open and they wanted to be able to lock that door in case of an intruder or unwanted guest arrived.


I am first going to go over setting up the rule or “task list” using our DX access control software. You can get the access control software from here: https://app.box.com/s/33spl2jp.....cgiqczb4bw

Once you have our access control software up you are going to go to the bottom left hand corner, click on TOOLS/EXTENDED FUNCTIONS. The password to get into this setting is 5678.

extended-fucntions.JPGImage Enlarger


From here you are going to enable the task list. Please see the below examples on where to find this.


task-list.JPGImage Enlarger


Once you enable this we are now going to go to the actual task list to set up our rule. This is under ACCESS CONTROL/TASK LIST.

 task-list-1.JPGImage Enlarger

After this you will then set up the actual rules. Select your time, days of the week, doors you want to adapt it to and the access method.

Capture.JPGImage Enlarger

Door Open means that the door will be open.

Door Control means that the door will be locked but privileges will open it. See the below picture on how this will look.


The next step is to upload this new rule to the board. You will do this by going to the “Basic Operation” tab, highlighting the door, or doors, and select upload. Now the door will be open during the hours that you specified.

Now we are going to go over how to connect everything to lock down this door in case of an emergency.


What you will need:


DX controller board

2 12vDC PSU’s




Alarm Cable


The set up will be the following:

 Power Supply # 1:

12v+ from PSU #1 goes to COM on the DX controller

Negative from the PSU goes to negative on the mag/strike


Mag Lock/Strike:

12v+ from the lock/strike goes to NC or NO on the DX controller board - depending on the state.

Negative from the lock/strike goes to negative on PSU # 1.


Power Supply # 2:

12v+ from PSU #2 will go through the switch you are using and then go through 12v+ on the Relay.

Negative from PSU # 2 goes to negative on the Relay.



COM on the Relay goes to COM on the DX access controller board.

NO on the Relay goes to NC on the DX access controller board.



This will connect to the NC or NO input on the DX controller with the arrow point away from the DX controller.


I can not stress enough that you will have to check with your local laws before you engage this lock-down system.


Your feed back is much welcomed and appreciated. Thank you!

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