May 19, 2014

I have the Ulitmate 8 mini DVR.
I have worked with Support twice & things are still not working.
Problem #1- I Do not have any recordings both on the Device itself or via Web playback.
I have it set to MD - record channel is checked for the channel as well as snapshot. If I view on the device itself I have 24/7 pic views, yet nothing in record. In playback it shows that I have not had any recording since I worked with support. Before I called support it was recording video 24/7 and ignoring all schedules or MD only settings.
Only 1 channel on Sat has motion recording showing in playback. All the channels are set the same & should have plenty of evetns, esp since the snapshot ( missing the event itself) is triggering
Problem #2- Snapshots.
I get a snapshot for every detection , yet 90% of the time I miss whatever triggered the detection. The Zimodo I had previously could handle e-mailing snapshots just fine & this was primary feature I required when talking to sales about this unit, only to be told by support it doesn't work well. I also have 2 camera covering a large driveway with both triggering a snapshot for both cameras and I still miss cars going up the driveway from both of them quite often. I thought I read of a way to send more than 1 attachment with each message to better my chances of catching the event, but have not found a working setting.
Settings for Snapshot are Timing- D1= Qual6 SPl-3( have tried 1 as well)
Encode for main stream is regular.
Motion detect has - record enabled and snapshot enabled. with the corresponding channels checked. Latch 1 delay 10 Send E-mail.
Any help would be appreciated.

May 4, 2013

I'm just a member and I had a rather long thread on snapshots a while back. It may or may not help you.
Support should be able to log into your dvr and check to see if all settings for recording and snapshots are set correctly. Let them do that, rather than trying to talk you through a whole bunch of stuff. It would be way easier. Once it's all set and working, snapshots really are hit and miss, made all the more difficult with exterior cameras that might be throwing false triggers from any number of things, which would shoot you a picture of essentially nothing wrong- no target.
You might be able to increase your chances of a perfect hit by experimenting with pre-record times and more specifically, your motion trigger areas that you set up in the region section of the detect menu. As an example, say I want to get a snapshot of someone at my front door. The camera actually sees a lot more than just my front door. If I have set motion detect areas before my front door, the picture sent will be taken too early- the subject hasn't gotten to my front door yet. I have to make a small spot for detection right at my front door, leaving every other part of the picture out of detection. Then the target trips motion when they are properly positioned in front of the camera for a good snapshot. You can make up for this small area of detection by setting your pre-record longer. So even if the subject doesn't trigger motion recording until he's right at the door, a 20 second pre-record setting will include 20 seconds worth of their approach to the door before they get there, when viewing the playback file. This is a way to increase your odds of a target being positioned properly to see it in a snapshot.
You are best to set snap shots to one second intervals, not three or more. This won't send you more pics doing that, but it will record many snapshots of a target per trigger, a good thing to do. You may be able to increase your snapshot frequency in the email menu, which might toss you more emails more quickly. Support will have to help you through that, as I haven't adjusted that setting to know. Once I got snapshots set well, I disabled getting emails of them. I still have snapshots set to record for playback, but I don't have them emailed. I much prefer push notification with video/picture over emails. I highly recommend you check out gdmss+ mobile app. Push notification is superior to email notification, in my opinion. Look at the remote software forum for a number of my demos on the app. Good luck.

May 19, 2014

Thanks for the response, I called support twice and did some remote work & it is still not recording properly.
I should also note, My camera is viewing a 300 o driveway (The entire length) and still missing gettign a snapshot of the car in it most of the time. I also have another camera 1/2 down and each camera takes a snapshot of both cameras upon motion. I have multiple motion points set along the driveway.
Does the DVR software do Push notification with snapshot over e-mail or is that only a function of GDMSS+ ?

May 4, 2013

Push is for gdmss+ and your mobile device will let you know that you have a push notifications. Then you open the notification to see the playback. But that's all based on your Dvr recording motion correctly. You need to straighten that out with support. If you create a support user account with admin credentials in your Dvr I could login and see what you have set up and then afterwards just delete that account. PM me the info with password if you're interested. But support should be the one to do that. I'll have a look if you want though. I have the same unit.
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