I am sure there is an article or video that you guys have that can explain how to set up motion sensitivity and the email notification settings on your DVRs. I am setting up a hd-cvi dvr with the new interface and I am not 100% knowledgeable on the threshold and sensitivity settings. I think these are important features that a lot of installers and end users look past. Would you mind reposting any related info here.

The motion detection is setup in the detect settings of DVR. higher the number the more sensitive it is. The "regions" is where you mask out areas of the scene that you do not want to trigger motion events. The email is set up in network settings then Email or SMTP settings. In the detect options you will need to check the box labeled capture and email so you get the pictures emailed to you. I suggest tuning the motion detection before enabling the emails as you will get a ton of emails if done improperly. I have heard from other customers that yahoo will not lock your account if you send too many like 200 an hour. Google will we have found.
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