May 2, 2014

Trying to figure out why the motion email notification quit working completely. Other than with heavy rain (where I received endless alerts) it has worked fairly well for more than a week. I noticed today that it totally stopped working. The settings are the same as they were, however, when I try to do the 'Email Test', I now get a test failed notice. I initially observed that when I tried to do the email test the screen would immediately display the email test fail message without the normal delay that it has when it is actually doing the test. It is now doing the normal delay as if it is testing, however, I am receiving the fail message.
I also tried to set it up two other email accounts and the test fails everytime. I still have good connectivity from the dvr to the router and can view my cameras over the iPhone app...
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
This issue most likely happens when your Internet Provider Block your IP address to send emails out as a relay. I know it sounds complicated but you mentioned that it happens right after it rains and you received endless emails. What happens is that Your ISP sees that Internet traffic as it was SPAM. Because the DVR will send emails non stop using the same port (25 0r 568) depending of the email account your ISP blocks it. You can check if your IP address has been blacklisted here: http://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx put your External IP found here: http://canyouseeme.org. After you run the tool on Toolboxs site then you can see if you are black listed and how to resolved.
Unfortunately we can prevent this. All you can do is lower the sensitivity on the outside cameras due to this issue or mask areas under detection>Region to reduce false motion events, otherwise you will get emails non stop when this happens.

May 2, 2014

For clarification-
The email notifications have worked continuously since my initial setup a little more than a week ago.. the reference to the rain was only concerning numerous false alerts from the rain that I discussed in a prior post.... even with the numerous false alerts I never stopped being able to send/receive the alert emails. Since the first nights' heavy rain there have been less than 10 alerts per day. I checked the blacklist site you provided and it shows my IP address being 'OK' all the way down the list.

May 4, 2013

Sometimes when odd things happen, restart the Dvr. Also make absolutely sure you didn't inadvertently disable email settings in any menu pertaining to it, including the detect menu. If your Dvr has alarm inputs you can use wired PIR sensors. It takes some work to install them, but basing motion recording on those types of sensors will eliminate false triggering from exterior elements.

August 30, 2013

Strange this just happened to me as well. Email was working great, then one day this week I noticed I was not getting any email notifications. I went to configuration and did a "Verify" and it now fails. I restarted the DVR, and verified that I can access it on the LAN and WAN.

August 30, 2013

Tommy61 said
Strange this just happened to me as well. Email was working great, then one day this week I noticed I was not getting any email notifications. I went to configuration and did a "Verify" and it now fails. I restarted the DVR, and verified that I can access it on the LAN and WAN.thoughts?
Well I thought I had it fixed as I noticed that COX.COM changed from east.smtp.cox.com to just smtp.cox.com a few weeks ago. This allowed me to start receiving emails again, however today they have stopped again and the Verify now fails. DVR / NVR restarted with no luck. I only get emails from the front door camera so this gets me about 5-6 per day, not a bunch to cause a provider lockout.
Thoughts ?
Any DVR / NVR SW updates available? hybdvr-l016480.. in service since 11-2012..

August 30, 2013

I tried SMTP.Gmail.com as well and it still fails to send. My DVR has internet access as I can use TechProSS and access the DVR with no issues from my phone and tablet. Also from my PC I can connect to the DVR without issues. As stated this was working just fine, then one day I noticed that the I was not getting any emails from the DVR. Currently the only camera set to send mail is the front door camera. I can enable the buzzer on the camera and when motion is detected the buzzer will sound. There have been no network settings changes that I know of. I am using a Motorola SBG6580 Cable Modem/Router. I know the Motorola has been restarted a few times but still no luck. All connections on LAN are wired. DVR rebooted countless times.
Any ideas?

Your Google account, not the GMAIL account, needs to allow this type of device to send email. Look for something like this in your Google account that says "Allow less secure apps: OFF" and turn it to ON.
Manage your account access and security settings > Allow less secure apps: OFF
Also, you need to use port 465 + SSL for Google SMTP.

August 30, 2013

Thanks for the idea, I did change the Google Settings to allow email and the ports - SSL was selected as in the Gmail "how too". Interesting that this was working with no issues. then it just quit. Thought it was the SMTP for Cox as this was the original working config. Re-typed in all the mail details and it worked for about 2 weeks then stopped again. I was trying Gmail as a provider / DVR test. I run Gmail on phones - Ipads , android and even use MS Outlook to receive mail, so I feel confident that the settings are correct. I am just perplexed that it seems to work for a while then it just stops. The last time this happen I went to the DVR and Mail settings and re-typed in all the parameters and it started working again, but only lasted about 2 weeks. Do you think a setting in the Motorola SBG6580 could have an effect? Would be strange because its not been changed or messed with since installing 6-7 months ago. I'm not sure how to use tools like WireShark to look at network traffic, might there be an easer way to see where - if its being blocked?
I do have a Cell Wireless hot spot, on Verizon network, bit not sure how to get the Wired DVR to connect on this network to remove the home LAN as the issue.
Thanks again for the reply.

August 30, 2013

Well Have Gmail blocking the sign in attempt, the less secure apps setting now on, still not sending email on motion detect. I have a live.com account and was not able to get this one to work either. What would it cost for a remote session from one of you tech folks to assist me? Tommy
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