Thank you for your post. This is a strange issue that we have never seen before so we would need to look into a few things first.
What is the current firmware version of your recorder?
Do you see anything in the LOG when the happens?
Please start a live chat, or call directly at (866) 573-8878 ext 10 and we can assist you with this. Thanks

March 18, 2014

This happened to mine also many times. I was told hard drive issues. Replaced hard drives. Still does it. Heath sent new DVR...still does it. It is a defective product. I am curious why they said they were not aware of such a problem as we worked on this for a very long time. Mine is the same model. I am looking for someone to give it to that will not use the internet to access it. As long as you don't try to access with sibell mobile or any (cms2) other software it should be ok. It is a bad model is my opinion. Still under warranty but I don't think that will get us anywhere. If you find a solution, please let me know as I like all the features of this machine and would like to keep it and not spend more money getting a comparable model that does not have the defect.

Hello All,
toplarkin, there is a small confusion here that happens to make all the difference. You and I worked on QDVR-SBE16, this post is referring to QDVR-SBE16M which you also do have, but that was not the recorder with your issue.
The QDVR-SBE16 and QDVR-SBE16M are totally different machines, totally different software, and most importantly totally different hardware. I am sure both of these issues are resolvable, but simply writing the equipment off as "defective product" is not a fair assumption at this point. Please give me a call if this issue is on going for you (I had no idea) and we can continue trouble shooting.
@Jokasig please give us the opportunity to try and resolve your issue, it is not the same issue toplarkin is referring to. You're welcome to call us or start a live chat, or simply respond to Bradley's request of which firmware you currently have and we will do our best to resolve it for you.
Thank you all.

I contacted our engineering team many months ago in regards to this issue, and they assured me this was a hard drive related error and replacing one or all of the drives would resolve the issue.
We attempted this, and until the post from toplarkin I was under the assumption it was resolved.
I just went ahead and followed up with the engineers to re report this issue and get to a resolution. Will post back as soon as I have a response. Thank you.

September 27, 2017

So, It still rebooted with no drives. The next step I took was to do a complete reset on it. After that it no longer rebooted. I reconnected the drives and all was fine. Before I did the reset I had made several backups of the config. I then restored the configuration and then it started rebooting again. I did another hard reset and manually redid the configuration and all is working fine so far.
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