December 31, 2013

My DVR will not see the external hard drive dock that has an eSATA and USB 3.0 port. Does anyone know of an eSATA solution that will work for backup? This is what I purchased hoping it would work.

I was reading over the specs on the backup device you have and it stated it worked with windows and apples, but not Linux directly. That may very well be the issue. The way to verify this is to connect a hard drive via esata and powered with an adapter. I suspect the firmware or chip set on the device you have is incompatible. If you connect the drive as I suggested and it does not work. Then you need to call into support to discuss. We need to login to try a few methods to correct the issue.

December 31, 2013

The HDD mgmt does not see it and I've given it at least 10 minutes to show up. I also have another product by this company...
...and this one it does see but this one doesn't offer eSATA. I was hoping to find a compatible dock for backup jobs that would operate via eSATA for speed. My customer is wanting to save their backups for a long time (2-3 years).

December 31, 2013

I ended up talking my customer out of saving so much video since they would need to budget about $15K per year for hard drives. On another note I did find that the StarTech SuperSpeed USB3 Hard Drive Docking Station with Cooling Fan is compatible with the DVR and I think its due to the chipset used which is JMicron - JMS551.
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