March 10, 2014

I'm new to SCK, just ordered one of your Hybrid DVR's. While I'm waiting for it to arrive, I figured I might as well check the forums. I came across this discussion in another topic:
shockwave199 said
When you have more than one drive, does each continue to record once both are full? Such as, the first drive fills up and and then the second drive fills up. Does the first drive kick back in and start recording again, and then when it's full the second drive kicks in- repeating this cycle? I've read somewhere that once both drives are full, only the second drive will overwrite itself, never returning to the first drive. Or that multiple drives are really for allocating certain cameras to. I wouldn't want that. I would want overwriting 'round robin' of both drives, so to speak. Possible?
Jesus Ragusa said
It will override the last drive when it gets full. It does not due round robin.
shockwave199 said
Huh. That kinda stinks though. I would think what I described is the most common need. Otherwise the first drive sits idle for good. I guess it's like I thought, you dedicate certain cameras to each drive and that keeps each one active full time?
Jesus Ragusa said
Correct, now you will be explicitly assigning drives to channels
I'm not sure if this applies only to the particular model DVR that was being discussed, but if it's an issue with the Hybrids too, I'm wondering if there is any possible way to force the "round-robin" type of overwriting. I agree with "shockwave199" that round-robin seems to be the standard approach for most DVRs, standalone and PC-based, so I'm surprised it's not the default here. The workaround of assigning different cameras to different drives is not particularly satisfying. What about the use of hard drive groups? Or maybe there's some other trick? If not, hopefully a firmware update is in the works.
Thanks much!

I know you can assign cameras to record on certain drives if you want. If you do that I would not see round robin working as you would have same day yet different channels on multiple drives. If you do not assign cameras to a drive, the first drive will fill up recording then go to the second drive connected and so on until all drives are used then going back to the first drive to record over as it has the oldest footage. There by over time the dvr/nvr will cycle through all drives. I am doing some bench testing to see about groups.
By default (without creating non-standard drive groups and assigning specific cameras to them) the recordings will go to the active drive until it is physically full. Once full, the system will look for an empty drive to record to next, if an empty drive is not found the system will start overwriting the drive with the oldest content and continue using that until it reaches the physical end of the drive and then it will rinse and repeat.
Hope this helps.
Jose Malave - IT Director| Toll Free: 866-573-8878 | E-mail: support@securitycameraking.com

May 4, 2013

So in short, the answer seems to be if you have two hard drives in the unit, by default they will round robin and continue to do that unless the default behavior is changed to do something else, such as designate certain channels to certain drives. Correct me if I'm wrong. This confusion started by what looks to be inaccurate information or a misunderstanding of my initial question on this some time ago, as quoted above.
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