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PTZ-LX650, 700TVL Tour set up
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April 30, 2013 - 10:14 am
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The tour set up applies to PTZ-650 and 700L12X with dip-switches.

These instructions must be followed to the letter for the tour to function properly. Also once the camera is set it takes a few minutes for the tour to start.


Setting PTZ-650L3X and 700L12X Pattern

The following steps will show you how to configure our PTZ camera model #: PTZ-LX650L3X. These steps must be executed at the DVR ONLY. It cannot be configured through the WEB Service Interface.


a)       Create some PTZ presets in your DVR for this camera. You can create up to 32 consecutive presets. To create presets, simply move the camera to the desired position and go to “set” option under PAN/TILT/ZOOM Controller menu by right clicking with your mouse, then enter the preset number, and then click “set” to store that preset number.


b)       Check all of the presets you created to make sure all of them are working correctly. You can check the presets by going to the “Preset” option under PAN/TILT/ZOOM Controller menu by right clicking with your mouse, and enter the number of the preset you want to call, and then click “preset”. The camera will move based on what you assign on that preset number.


c)        Open the PAN/TILT/ZOOM Controller menu by right clicking with your mouse, then option “Set”, and then enter “242”and click “Set” to activate the pattern feature of the camera. (Nothing will show or happen while you input this number).


d)       Go to “Set” and enter “244” to activate the “rotation speed” of the camera (Nothing will show or happen while you input this number). Choose a number from 224-239 for the desired rotation speed. The speed is measured in degrees/seconds and the preset numbers are the following:

Preset Number Speed (Degrees/second)
224 3
225 8
226 16
227 24
228 32
229 40
230 42
231 45
232 48
233 50
234 52
235 54
236 56
237 59
238 61
239 63


e)       Go to “Set” and enter “245” to activate the “wait time” between presets (Nothing will show or happen while you input this number). Choose a number from 224-239 for the desired wait time. The time is measured in seconds and the preset numbers are the following:

Preset Number Wait time in seconds
224 2
225 4
226 6
227 8
228 16
229 24
230 32
231 48
232 64
233 80
234 96
235 112
236 128
237 176
238 208
239 255


f)        Call each preset you created previously on the camera. You can call the preset by going to the “Preset” option under the PAN/TILT/ZOOM Controller menu by right clicking with your mouse; and input the number of the preset you want to call and click “preset”. We recommend calling each preset consecutively in order, using the first preset number you created, i.e. preset 1, 2, and 3….etc.


g)        Finish your configuration by clicking on “Set” and enter “243”. To start the patterns go to “preset option” and call preset “247” to start the pattern. If you would like to stop the pattern at any time you can move the camera to any position you like; after a few seconds of inactivity the camera will reinitiated the pattern again, or if you want to stop this pattern completely, just call preset “248” to stop the pattern.

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