The following instructions will allow for fine adjustments of Security Camera King CVIOB-EL1MPIR50 and CVIOD-EL1MPIR50 HD-CVI security cameras on DVR-CVI4120M and DVR-CVI8240M HD-CVI DVRs.
1. Click on the right mouse button to open the DVR options and select Main Menu.
Login as an administrator we are using the default username 888888 and password 888888

2. Hit enter after inputting the username and password

3. After you enter the menu below will appear, click on setting

4. Once in the setting menu, click on Pan/Tilt/Zoom

5. Select the Channel (camera) you would like to access the OSD menu to.
6. Control Mode Select HDCVI
7. Protocol DH-SD1
8. Click on save to save all the settings
9. Click the right mouse button until you are completely out of the menu

10. Once you are back on the main screen of your DVR click on the right mouse button and the menu options should come up.
11. Then select Pan/Tilt/Zoom

12. The Pan/Tilt/Zoom menu box will come up, click on page switch
13. Continue to click on page switch until you reach the menu pictured below

14. To enter the OSD menu of the camera click on Enter Menu as pictured above
15. The camera OSD menu will come up as shown below, to navigate the menu use the up, down, left and right arrows. In menu options such as Exposure you will note it has a sub-menu. When highlighted as in the picture below you can click on the Enter button to enter the sub-menu

16. When done configuring the options go down to exit and click on the enter button. This will take out of the camera OSD menu.
Things to know about HD-CVI, HD-SDI & IP security cameras and recorders
Terms, abbreviations and definitions
1. High Definition Composite Video Interface or HD-CVI- Is a new video technology that supports 1080p and 720p resolution. Because it is a low frequency video signal, standard RG59 coax up to 1,600 feet can be used.
2. High Definition Serial Digital Interface or HD-SDI- Was originally used for TV production and was adopted by the CCTV industry to deliver high resolution video 1080p or 720p. Due to the HD-SDI high frequencies sometimes up to 2.2 GHZ the use of RG59 is limited.
3. RG59 coax- is used for low voltage video signals such as security cameras, short video cables for cable boxes and satellite receivers.
4. RG6 coax- is used for digital signals that required 50 MHZ or higher. Used primarily for HD video and audio signals.
5. POE or Power over Ethernet – allows you to have a network connection and receive power from a single Ethernet cable. So on a POE camera setup you only need a single cable to transmit video, audio and power.
6. DVR or Digital Video Recorder- converts an analog signal and converts it to digital to be stored on a storage device such as a hard drive, SD card or USB flash drive.
7. NVR or Network Video Recorder- Records already encoded video from the IP camera (no encoding is done by the NVR) and stored on the hard drive, SD card or USB flash drive. HD-CVI uses P2P (Peer to Peer Protocol) instead of an encoding decoding method between IP Camera and NVR this change in transmission between the camera and DVR allows for a smoother and more reliable image. In addition a built in low frequency modulator reduces high frequency interference created by cell phones and WIFI routers normally seen in IP and WIFI cameras.
Because of the way HD-CVI transmits you can now have extended cable distances on standard RG59 up to 1600 FT @720p and 980 FT @1080p. Where on IP based systems you have a 330 FT. Maximum and can vary based on POE switches and power outputs. On HD-SDI the Maximum distance using RG6 3GHZ quad shield is 500 FT. and standard RG59 300 FT can vary on quality of cable.
The added benefit to HD-CVI is you can still get HD video quality and not spend as much as you would with the IP setups. You can choose between a 720p or 1080P HD-CVI security cameras and both work with the same HD-CVI DVR. Below is an example of the HD-CVI @ 720p V.S IP @ 720p


Both images from above were are still images captured from our DVR-CVI8240M HD-CVI DVR and our NVR-ELM-16 NVR. As you can see both images have similar video qualities the only differences are the price and length of the cable runs.
HD-CVI is also beneficial for people that already have preexisting analog systems and want to upgrade to a HD system. There is no need to run new cables unlike the HD-SDI which required RG6 or the IP systems that require CAT6 cables. This alone can save you a few hundred dollars for a 4 camera install and 1000+ on an 8 camera install.
Below is a comparison Chart of what it would cost for an 8 camera HD-CVI, HD-SDI and IP system (accessories not included such as cable and power) for each type of setup.
The estimates are not 100% accurate and are based. This is just an example

As you can see on a basic install the difference between HD-CVI and HD-SDI is $887.00, the comparison between HD-CVI and IP is $702.19. For those looking to get into HD playing field and are looking to save money HD-CVI is the way to go. Everything has been made easy by Security Camera King so your install process is easier and more economical.