What is a Hard Drive? by SCK
What is a hard drive anyway? We know they go in computers, and in CCTV systems, but what exactly does a hard drive do? SCK Answers this today!
What is IVS? Intrusion and Tripwire
Hey everyone, Joe here from SCK, and today we're presenting a new article today for the purpose of answering the question- "What is IVS?". When looking at cameras and...
Complete Security system with Security Camera King
Security Camera King can build you a Complete Security system! An important goal for any property owner, be it a business, or residential.
When we talk bout complete security,...
Cat5 Vs Cat6, which is better?
Cat5 vs Cat6 Which is better? This is a question we actually get asked quite a bit. Many want to know which of these two types of cables is...
Camera Housings, What's the Difference?
Camera Housings are the physical body of the camera that protects and contains all its inner workings. There are a few different types, and you might be wondering about their...
CCTV Accessories by SCK
Security Camera King offers a wide variety of security and CCTV accessories that potentially make any job easier than ever. CCTV is an acronym that stands for or closed-circuit television. CCTV...
Bitrate and Resolution Explained by SCK
Hey everyone, Joe from SCK, and today we're going to talk about Bitrate and resolution, as well as a bit about framerate. You have heard these terms thrown around...
Security Terminology by SCK
Hey everyone, there's a lot of security terminology out there and sometimes the amount of information can be daunting! CCTV this, COAX that, access control this, and network that, what does...
Camera Shell Styles at SCK
Hey everyone, Joe from Security Camera King here with another article and video, today's topic: Camera Shell Styles and their usage! Here at Security Camera king, we know CCTV- closed...
If that keyword has already been used try DVR Lockboxes or Security DVR Lockbox anything to get the green light to say you have not previously used this keyword before.
Keeping your DVR safe and...
Best NVR for your Needs by SCK
Hello everyone, Joe from SCK with another exciting article, this time to help you choose the best NVR for your needs! Now before we can even dive into...
IP Surveillance cameras utilize Internet Protocol designed to collect and transmit data over the internet using various protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP, or WAN. They work by continuously capturing images with a camera lens...
CCTV Terminology Continued - 5 Terms.
Hey everyone, we're back with another CCTV Terminology Article, bring you 5 more glossary terms from the CCTV industry! We know how hard it can be to keep up...
CCTV Terms Continued- 5 More Terms.
Recently we did an article on some CCTV Terms, today we're bringing you Five More common CCTV Terms to learn, or brush up on! The terms we covered lime,...
Five Common CCTV Terms by Security Camera King
SCK is Here today to bring you an article covering five common CCTV Terms yoyu may or may not already have familiarity with. We know with all...