Marijuana security and cannabis security camera compliance have become hotbed topics with all the new legislation swirling around Washington DC. The I- 502 law in Washington has specific measures that must be met regarding Cannabis Security Camera Compliance. These laws are exacting and must be followed to a T in order to keep from being found in violation. Amendment 64 in Colorado has similar implications concerning security camera surveillance. Both of these states require that you have high and security surveillance equipment. At Security Camera King we have helped dispensaries and growers meet the exacting needs of these laws to stay in good standing with each particular state.
Oregon and Alaska recently joined the recreational marijuana industry and have been accepting applications for recreational marijuana licenses. Many more states are on their way to legalizing recreational marijuana. Getting on board early with compliance regulations will help your business avoid any red flags. Having your security camera measures in place before licensing will definitely expedite your application process. Don’t get caught off guard. Security Camera King will get you ready prior to your surveillance equipment inspections.
We have designed hundreds of systems and know the intricacies for each state and what must be done to stay within good standing of each state’s laws. Each state has different laws but they have one thing is in common being that they require high end security camera surveillance solutions. High definition cameras with large hard drives to record for lengthy time periods are the norm. At Security Camera King we offer free US based technical support for the life of the product. Site planning is key and a facility layout design must be done first and foremost to determine if you will be certain criteria requirements. You must also have a secure lockbox DVR (digital video recorder) or NVR (network video recorder).
Security Camera King will help you determine the required security camera coverage layout and placement in accordance with state laws. Each state has different laws concerning video recording requirements for resolution and storage capacity. Having a dependable system is key as these cameras must always be running twenty four seven 365 around the clock. Equipment failure can and will happen over time. Having a reputable company with the strongest warranties in the industry and shipping facilities on the east and west coast ensure that you will not be down long. Location and maintenance of cannabis security camera equipment is uncompromising and must be strictly followed.
Don’t attempt to do your own Cannabis Security Camera Compliance with box store systems like swann, lorax & night owl. These systems are cheap in many ways – you might save a few bucks up front but you will pay on the back end. Short security camera lifespan and tech support from a foreign worker reading off a placard will not help in time of need. Security Camera King’s staff of experienced security experts are on hand from 9am to 8pm eastern standard time. Our experienced staff of security camera technicians will help you alway through the process from purchasing to set up. Our west coast staff is conveniently located in Colorado at ground zero for the recreational marijuana movement. This proximity to the recreational cannabis movement and our expertise in security cameras has led us to being the number one choice for Cannabis Security Camera Compliance.
If you have any questions concerning Cannabis Security Camera Compliance give us a call. Security Camera King has a 100% Success rate with our Cannabis Compliance Program. We also offer consulting services to assist with your system design plus training services.