CCTV Articles

Why Security Cameras Are the Best Business Investment You’ll Ever Make

Starting a business is extremely difficult. You have an idea of a product, service, or delivering both in a new way. You have worked out how to execute the new business to be profitable....

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CCTV Articles

The Differences Between Motion Detection, Auto Tracking, and CCTV Analytics

When it comes to some of the terminology in Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems, it can be very confusing and often times the terms sound very similar. I often have customers call me asking...

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CCTV Articles, Personal Security, Security Systems, Surveillance Sysytems

Some Not So Obvious Things to Consider, When Choosing a Security Camera System

Covert or Overt? When it comes to governmental, personal and commercial security, one might wonder, is it better to be Covert or Overt. In other words is it better for a cop to sit hidden on...

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CCTV Articles

Has Closed Circuit Television Become A New Form of Entertainment?

A few months ago I was given the assignment to write at least one article each month related to CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) or the security camera industry that people might find interesting. This month I spent a lot of time deciding what I am going to write about. I kept saying to myself, how many of these articles can I write that someone would really find entertaining?

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HowTo Articles

Set up on Ultimate Mini-series DVRs

The big brown box just arrived. After inspection of the box and its contents you are assured everything you have ordered is accounted for. Great, now you can start running cable and hanging cameras. You can figure it will take anywhere from one or two hours to run the cable and hang the camera. If you have to roll out the lift truck it will probably take a little longer. Of course this estimate is considering that you have some prior knowledge of cameras. Crawling through attics and swinging on ladders is not for everybody.

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Hybrid DVR

Why Should I Buy a Hybrid DVR?

When you are looking into surveillance cameras and Digital VIdeo Recorders (more commonly known as DVRs) there are a wide variety of units available on the market. They will range from the most basic units that only record 4 cameras at CIF resolution all the way up to 32 cameras that record at D1 resolution. If you need higher resolution there are recorders known as NVRs or network video recorders, these units can record video up to 1080p resolution. Not everyone will want to spend the money to step up into Network Video Recorders (more commonly know as NVRs) with IP cameras especially if they have existing analog cameras. However there are units out there that will allow customers to keep their existing cameras and add IP cameras all on the same unit. There are several benefits to a system like this. These units are commonly known as Hybrid DVRs, the name comes from the unit actually being a combination (hybrid) of a full size DVR and a mini NVR.

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Secure Your Perimeter

There are many different ways to achieve perimeter security at your location. A person must first determine what level of protection is needed. I will be describing a setup used by many business and home owners. The equipment used will be; security cameras, a dvr, IR illuminators, flashing lights, sirens, access control system, email, sms/text messaging, cell phone, and modem/router, push notification mobile app, guard dogs, remote controlled door for dog kennel, and chain link fence. This setup is based off the idea you the owner want to be notified that you have a perimeter breach. I know some items on the list are not too orthodox, but with proper configuration can be used to devastating effect while protecting your valuables.

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Security Systems

Away for Spring Break? Download Our Free Mobile Apps for Your Security System

When it comes to Spring Break, Americans are often traveling, sometimes it is just over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house and other times it is across the country.  I don’t...

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Security Camera

Installing Your Security System Yourself? Here are the List of Tools You Need

After finally answering all of your technical questions and figuring out which security camera system will suit your needs the best, you are going to have to decide if you are going to pay someone to do the installation for you or if you are going to install it yourself. If you are going to pay someone to install the system for you may want to continue reading to understand the different tools that are necessary to complete the installation, so you understand what you are paying for. If you are installing the system yourself, you may want to use this for a checklist to make sure you have all of the necessary tools to properly complete the task. I am going to go through this run down with the assumption that all of the hardware required is known.

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