If you’ve been thinking of becoming a security dealer, or have already started a company that installs and sells CCTV equipment, we can help you start and grow your business and become a CCTV reseller. Security Camera King’s parent company is actually TechPro Security Products. TechVision is our reseller company where you may sign up as a security dealer in order to begin reselling our products. We have provided our customers with everything they would need in order to get started with their own security or installation business and have always been willing to help with everything from getting set up to tech support. In order to get started, there are a few things you will need to do. The first step is to come up with a business name and register it. Once you have figured out the name of your company and have registered it with your state, you may sign up on our reseller site in order to become a dealer. After you have signed up you can decide on whether you’re going to be reselling the products on your own site or installing or both. Then decide on whether or not you want to have your own labeled products. These are just a few of the things you need to do in order to get started which I will further explain in more detail ahead…
The first thing you need to do is come up with a plan on what you’re going to be specializing in. Some companies like to just sell the products to their customers, some like to provide installation services, and a few companies even do both. Once you’ve figured out where your specialty is going to be and have registered everything, you will have the information needed in order to sign up as a dealer on TechVisionCCTV.com. Without that information you will not be accepted into our dealer program. It is a strict rule for our sales team to go through each account that has signed up for the program and make sure they are a legitimate company otherwise anyone would be able to sign up for our dealer discounts and would render the retail sales pointless. On TechVision, You will see a form on the front page that allows you to register your company with us:
Once you have submitted your information on this form, we will receive a dealer signup request on our end and you will receive an email confirming that we have received your request and asking that you send in your business information so that we can confirm that all of the information is correct. The email will have all of the instructions needed to get started. Our sales manager will then go through all of the information and once you are approved, you can head back to the TechVision site in order to sign in and view your dealer pricing.
Many dealers have called in and asked us to tell them how much of a discount they will be receiving as a dealer, but unfortunately, we cannot give out that information. This protects all of our current approved dealers when they want to charge their own retail pricing for the products they resell on their website. If a dealer decided to sell his products for higher price than we sell it for and their customers call in and ask us what they paid for the product, it could potentially cause that dealer to lose his customer. If you would like to find out the discount amount, you MUST first become a dealer and then log into your new dealer account to receive your price breaks. We do, however, allow for an extra discount tier for special customers who do over $10,000 in purchasing within 3 months and maintains that amount. If you meet this requirement, we can surely move you to a distributor account instead. There are not many people that fall into that account type though, and I believe it’s because they’re not fully doing everything they can to bring in more business. There are a few really big factors that we tell our dealers which would greatly help their sales if they would take the time to do them or even hire someone full time to take care of these requirements.
Important: Proper Website SEO
One of the most important things you can do to help your reseller business grow is to make sure that your website has all custom content for each product. This is the most time consuming and tedious part of owning a business that most people over look, but can be the saving grace for most companies if they would just take the time to do it. Once you have your reseller account and you create your own website, you should be worried about not only posting each product up for sale, but also writing custom descriptions, spec sheets, and any other information you can about these products to drive traffic to your business. The Search Engines give a lot of value to sites which take the time to do this and it will certainly bring in a ton of extra customers when people are searching for security products. If you’re just copying and pasting all of your product information from other websites, the search engines will discredit your site and you will show up a lot lower in search results. Sites with custom content will always get preference over sites that don’t. Be sure to do a lot of research and learn about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so that you’re knowledgeable about everything you can possibly do to help you rank better. Many people make the mistake of believing that SEO is about tricking the search engine to place your site above others, but this is far from the truth. You can try to trick the search engine, and it may work for a little while, but ultimately you’re just going to end up getting black listed since search engines constantly have their algorithms updated to block out sites trying to trick the system. The best way you can help your site is to make sure you’re always posting fresh and custom content on your site which makes it a place that people would want to come to in order to learn about the products and purchase them.
TechVision CCTV also offers an OEM option. Basically, the OEM program will allow for you to have our products labeled as your own. You will in turn be able to use your own unique product identification numbers, sku’s, custom branded documentation for all of your products & manuals, and drop shipping directly to your customers if you have your own UPS account set up. One of the biggest benefits of having your own labeled products is that when your customers look up your product ID’s to find out more information, your company website will come up in the search results. All of the information customers will find about the products will be the information that you put up for the world to see. A lot of our dealers love this because they are able to call the products what they want, price them as they want, and use their own logos on everything instead of having their customers try to go around the dealer company straight to the manufacturer. If you’re looking to sign up for OEM, there is an Initial setup fee that is paid. Then, you are able to purchase OEM Labels & Manuals, Removal of All Labels (in case you want products that are not labeled at all), or generic labels which have generic product information listed instead of the manufacturer information. Each one of these services also include a small fee for each product ordered, but it is a very small and affordable fee that you will see when you log into your dealer account. If you want to reach this section of the website, just go to http://www.techvisioncctv.com/custom-oem-services-279-ctg.html. Once you reach that page, you may log in with your dealer user name and password in order to access the page.
At the end of the day, you will end up having all of the tools needed to start or grow a successful CCTV business. TechPro Security has also begun dealing with Access Control too if that is something that you would like to offer as a company. There is a huge variety of Access Control products that have been posted on the Security Camera King and TechVision CCTV websites. If you’re having any technical trouble at all, or having a hard time understanding anything explained in this article, don’t hesitate to give us a call so we can further explain it to you. We are here from 9AM-6PM Eastern Time and you can reach us during those hours at 866.573.8878. We can walk you through creating your dealer account, placing an order on our website or over the phone, and we will even help you out with any technical support problems you may have along the process. We have a Forum that’s available online 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, and a Live Support Chat where you can also reach out to us during business hours!